Tuesday, March 3, 2009


March 3, 2009

Well, we managed to make it through one day without anyone getting sicker, hurt, or worse! Somehow, it seems that everyday something new happens.

Cooper and Cymbre both got high gold for their solos. Ms. Michelle was her usual 2 year old self, and Ms. Andee was wonderful with the girls. They had a great weekend, and saw and talked to lots of their Hintze friends no matter what Michelle was telling them about not talking to Cooper and Cymbre.

Mr. Lenorris was there, and was cheering the girls on and hugged on them when they came off stage. It made the girls feel good to have 5 teachers there for them. That's three more than the Hintze girls had, so who's on the better end of this mess? I'd say Cooper and Cymbre.

Cooper may have a stress fracture of her arch on her foot. We can't be sure, but the urgent care doctor is treating it as such for the next two weeks. If it's still hurting at all at that time, we have to go back and get it x-rayed again and go from there. The worst part is she can't dance for two weeks. That will kill her! It's 6 weeks until we compete again.

Well, I must get the competition stuff cleaned up....more later.


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