Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Just Me And The Laundry!

August 25, 2009

Today has been a fairly calm day after the chaos of yesterday. We were in a constant rush yesterday from the time I picked up the girls, fed them, ran to the store for school supplies for Cooper and a few things for Cymbre. They did homework, and then we rushed to dance, rushed home to make dinner, back to dance to drop of Cymbre and feed Cooper. Then home again, after another stop for gel pens at Walmart. Why does the teacher want gel pens...they run out of ink a lot faster than the ball point ones do.

Tonight we have the same routine again, but hopefully, we won't have to go to the store. We barely made dance yesterday.

The girls seem to like their classes, but the school didn't give Cymbre her stuff she was supposed to bring home to get signed...they give it out during 7th period and she leaves school before that. So I called her counselor, and they are going to sort it out today.

We have decided to go with Dr. Hagan for the new orthodontist, so the girls have to go get molds, x-rays, whatever. He is going to try to get the records transferred, as since the last one lied to us, we don't want to deal with her anymore. Dad will go sign a release if necessary, but we aren't meeting with her again.

We bought the baby some tiger jammies....and a purple stripped dress. Grandpa really likes the jammies.

Really hot and muggy here...will be glad for winter. Maybe we will cool down to 60's! Won't that me nice!

Well, must run for some thread to match a costume....and then get the girls.

Have you made someone else's day yet? If not, get out there and do something for someone!


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