Friday, December 23, 2011

Is Christmas Ready Yet?

December 22, 2011

So the girls are decorating gingerbread houses with their friend Shauna, Christmas music is playing in the background, and the homemade rolls for Christmas dinner are rising on the counter.  Presents are getting wrapped, or getting wrapped at some point.  Even the stocking stuffers are almost ready.  Guess you could say Christmas is almost ready around here....WAIT!!!!  The washer and dryer are BUZZING....really loudly!   Well, it was a nice picture while it lasted!

Got a recipe in my email this morning for mint chocolate chip cookies....may have to add it to the Christmas cookie stash....just saying....I mean since the peanut butter ones with the candy kisses are almost gone, and it's not even Christmas yet.  Of course, I could just make another batch of them, or bribe Cymbre to make them.  She did the last ones.

Ok, now the girls are dying Cymbre's hair.  She has to have it back to her original color in order for her fake bun to match for dance competitions this year.  We'll see.....there's a lot of laughing going on.....

Just Dad's presents left to wrap, and those others that have just gotten added to bags in the closet....I am pretty sure after a rush trip to the post office on Monday morning early that everything that needed to be mailed is finally mailed.  They have gotten the packages with the PJ's so I guess that's the most important box anyway.

It's nice to have Guy around for a couple of days.  He's already opened jars, helped with the laundry, and replaced batteries in the swiffer this morning.  I guess to relax he went running.....or maybe it's to burn off those cookies he's been eating.  However, I made them with Splenda, so that's better for him and me anyway.

We still need to make the hard candy....maybe after dinner tonight.  And we haven't gone to see the Christmas lights yet either....maybe we are waiting until Britni gets here...not sure.

We cleaned up the house today...or at least gave it a lick and a promise....looks ok if company comes.  It will get a good cleaning when Christmas get's put away anyway.

The exercises for my back are either killing me or helping...I haven't decided yet.  Some days it just plain hurts to do them, especially that third time.  And then other days, it's ok.  Still I think I like the warm jacuzzi bath the best.

I sent the girls to run the errands today, you know, take the paper recycling, go to the grocery store, fill up with gas, bring home lunch.  While they were gone, I wrapped presents, and did my torture treatments for this morning!  Can you believe that Guy just sat and read his book while I was torturing myself....I think he should have rescued me or something terribly romantic don't you?  Maybe given me diamonds for my efforts?  At least a kiss......Guy...Guy....guess not.

Well, enough of this foolishness for now....must go check on those rolls and the girls.  I don't want the kitchen floor dyed afterall....and the dryer is buzzing AGAIN!

Get out there and find someone to serve'll both feel GREAT!!

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