Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Adding Another Kind of Doctor To Our List!

December 6, 2011

Well, we are adding a spine doctor to our phone list.  It seems that I have a disc bulge....in other words a herniated disc.  WONDERFUL......can we just get rid of the pain now?  Or should I just take up permanent residence in the jacuzzi in order to keep those muscles loosened up?  AND, they say I am anemic....ok, no one ever told me that before.  Another pill to swallow.  And it means when they suck my blood, they will take another vial...great, I only have so much!  I told the doctor pretty soon I can just give up eating and just take all the pills they think I need to have, and that will fill me up!!

On the plus side...the neurologist seems to have at least found a medicine that will help Cymbre and her headaches....takes about an hour, but that's better than 3 days!  And it doesn't make her head feel "tight" as she says, and it doesn't make her sleepy.....thank heaven for small miracles.

Only three more weeks of teaching the New Testament, and then we go to the Book of Mormon.  I get a bunch more kids, and that should make the class interesting.  Cooper's group is coming in, and she is already telling them how much fun it will be.  I told her she can't tell any of my secrets!

The liahonas for each kid are well underway, and I have the stuff to make a set of gold plates.  I also have a king's robe and crown, and a bag of bloody arms and some swords and a machete....for acting out the story of Ammon when he was guarding the Kings sheep.  Each of them will get a liahona for their bedrooms to remind them that they have to walk by faith in order to get where the Lord wants them, and they will have their own set of golden plates to write things on this year....have to remember to get the notebooks, and that picture of Moroni burying the golden plates for the front of the notebooks.  I may have to borrow another class in order to do some of the battles justice, but I am sure their teacher will be happy to loan them out.  If I could just get the real Nephi to show up with the sword of Laban, it would be tremendous, and maybe King Benjamin would come and stand up on the table an deliver his speech while we sit on blankets on the floor.  And I can't wait for the 2000 Stripling warriors....do you think they will let me dig a big hole in the lawn at the church to bury some weapons?  And I am not quite sure what to do with poor Abinadi, but we do need to at least tie him up to a tree and let him deliver his last words.  There is a brick wall outside by the air conditioners that will be terrific for the Samual the Lamanite story (note to self...buy some nerf arrows to shoot). And short of King Benjamin showing up, I will have someone stand on a table to read his scriptures while the class sits on blankets.  Anybody got a few extra camels lounging around that maybe I could borrow for the trip in the wilderness? What about some ideas for the Jaredite barges...I already have some pure white stones. And all of this because I have a reputation as a teacher to uphold.  I should let it dwindle, but then the Spirit wouldn't always be there, and I need Him there.  It is SO FUN to create those special moments when the Spirit touches their hearts and they take a lesson to heart!  As long as their testimonies grow, it will be worth it all.  And my own spirit so enjoys those tender moments when I feel so close to the Savior as I teach my class.

Cooper asked me the other day if I thought the Prophet would enjoy coming to my class next year....and Guy piped up that he would LOVE it!  Anything is better than the Gospel Doctrine class!

At any rate, there were some rumors about moving me to another class, but I have squashed that one....I told them I didn't want to move, and that I had already started planning for next year.....I think they will leave me alone.  They are all dying to see what I am going to do. Our home teacher is in the bishopric and he has seen some of the stuff I am doing. That could be a problem....he may want to bring an audience.... I think the Bishopric think I am crazy to want to stay and teach all those 16-18 year olds.  I'd rather do this than be the RS president!  And these are the kids that frequent my house anyway, so I know them.  They think I am crazy, I'm sure!  But they keep coming back....I think it's the baking Cooper does....just saying.

Well, Christmas is all up and doing it's job....too bad those grandbabies can't come play and make cookies....what I wouldn't give!!!!  We could really drive Grandpa crazy!  It would be SO much fun!!!!  Grandpa....do you have any extra pennies? Grandpa?  Guess not....

I have officially bribed my sewing machine back into working....that thing is not a machine...it has it's own agenda.   But I'm not complaining since at the current moment, it is working on a mostly efficient basis.  Half the sewing for Christmas is done, and now I have to cut out again....a job I HATE!!!

Well, I am going to sit in the tub, loosen up some muscles and break out the scissors, patterns, and pins.  Who knows, if I can't sleep, there will be PJ pants in the morning.  I hope I have enough elastic....and that cording stuff...I didn't check.  There's always a trip to Hobby Lobby in the morning.

That's all for tonight....what have you done for someone else today.   There are plenty of people who need help this time of year.

Love you....lets those grandbabies skype Grandma.


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