Monday, April 20, 2009


April 20, 2009

I'm finally done!!!!! YEAH, HURRAH, YIPPEE!! I am finally done with competition costumes!!! Can you believe it? Even the pointe one! Now I just have repack everything for competition, and rhinestone the pointe one, and then get my own stuff ready for my trip!!!

I can't belive it.....I made a Russian Doll Costume in less than a week, and it looks great!!!!! I'll post photos when I have time.

Competition results: Ladies Choice duet: Double platinum
Fun Fun Fun solo - Cymbre - Double Platinum
Come Dance With Me solo- Cooper - Double Platinum
Stand Out solo- Cooper - Platinum

Not bad considering Cymbre's hearing still is fading in and out, and Cooper has a hurt knee! Trophy photos later....


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