Sunday, April 5, 2009

Another Week Starts!

April 5, 2009

Cymbre's Ladies Choice Costume - check
Cooper's Ladies Choice Costume - in progress
3 Bert Costumes - not even started, but we have three hats!
2 Gretchen Costumes - not even started although a pattern is bought.
Cooper 8th Grade Formal bought, and hem is measured
Cooper 8th grade formal masquerade mask, still have to get organized.
Cooper Pointe solo Costume for competition (this one is all dad's idea) She just learned the dance this week, and competition is two weeks away.
Jessica's formal hemmed - check
Rhinestones and pointe shoes ordered - check
Shyla's afghan for her couch done - check
Mom survived a trip to the mall dress shopping - check

This past week is a blur of sewing stuff, and this new week isn't looking much better. Although the Bert Costumes and Gretchen can wait until I get home from Graduation. The Pointe Solo has to be done before I leave.

Cooper wasn't going to go to 8 th grade formal, but the quarterback bought her a ticket, and is really wanting her to come. Most of her friends are going. We told her she has to stay in her group of friends, and Dad's doing the driving. Matt can meet her at school, but they have to stay with the group. He seems like a really nice kid, but is a bit dumb when it comes to showing off. His mom is the one who brought cookies for the football team to share with Cooper for her birthday. That's competition weekend, I will be out of town, Dad will have to do competition and the formal stuff. Good luck there, hopefully, Kristin and Andee will help her before they leave competition. However, Matt was being dumb and was showing off at school, and now has a broken collar bone and two broken ribs. He tried to do a flip during lunch (Cooper told him not too) and now he is paying for it. His Dad told him he should listen to Cooper next time she tells him not to do something.

We found this purple dress at Dillards that was cheaper than I could make it, and have since found shoes at Payless, a purse at Charming Charlies, and jewelry at Claires. We used up some gift cards in the process, so I am thinking we did pretty good at keeping the cost down. I do have to make a little jacket to go over the dress, but that's an afternoon job. I'll post a photo when we get the whole thing done.

Once I get these Ladies Choice things done, then I have to make the Russian doll costume. I have no idea....just going by a photo the teacher sent.

I have this dumb dry cough again this's got to be allergies. However, the doctors have given me all my asthma medicine, so we will see if it turns into bronchitis. Just what I need in time for graduation. So to try to stay healthy, I have become a sniffer!

Cymbre and I planted a few of her flowers last night after dance. We got the geraniums rearranged, strawberries planted, hanging plants on the fence done, and she fertilized everything. Then we gave them a big drink and she came in and showered. She has to shower right away because of her allergies, but at least the allergist didn't take away her flowers. She would have been devasted!

Dad washed some of the windows outside this weekend, and did some other clean up things around the house....he likes to get things in order before the weather gets too hot, and hurricane season rolls around again.

Well, I going to go put my foot much sewing this weekend.


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