Tuesday, March 6, 2007

A Day At Target

Well, today is Tuesday, and I have still been out scouring the stores for something fun for Holly for her birthday. I really need to get it in the box and sent with the St. Patrick's Day stuff, but may have to mail the birthday stuff later....just another trip and line at the post office.

Today was a boring day at Target until the fishy crackers put up a big fuss as I walked past them. It seems they've heard about how Cymbre loves to take the baby ones to school for her snack, and they just thought if I was at the store, I needed to buy them. They said something about her starving because of a careless mother.....needless to say, yes, you all know, they came home with me. But just one package. Then it was on to the Easter Egg stuff, but no matter how much those Peeps tried, I didn't buy them....they are still peeping away on the shelf at Target!! I got even with those dumb fishy crackers!

When I got to the make-up isle, I was looking for some new mascara, but could only find one that would curl my eyelashes!! Can you imagine me with curled eyelashes? Well, there were several brands that tried very hard to jump in my shopping cart, but I just kept putting them back on the shelf, and told them I would call their mommies if they didn't behave! Mascara gets mad when you tell them you are going to call their mommies, because they are afraid they will become a big smear!

Then it was on to the CD section, I was looking for some hip hop music for the Beastie. Well, I couldn't find the one I wanted, so I just left that department and wondered over to the storage bins. I am trying to chase away the mountain of mess in the sewing room and decided to look for somthing to organize some things. Well, this big black bin fell on me while I was trying to get the smaller blue one next to it off the shelf....do you know what if feels like to be attacked by a big black bin?? Thankfully, there was a very nice man on the isle with me and helped me get my attacker until control. After the man left the isle, I told that black bin I would report him to the security guard if he tried anything like that again. Then I took my blue bin and left that dangerous area.

After I left Target, I decided to go to Chic -a- filet to get some lunch.....I sat all alone (that never happens to me, there is always someone I know wherever I go) and talked to Caleb while I ate my lunch. Thankfully, the fruit cup behaved, and the waffle fries didn't create a scene, and lunch was peaceful.

Now I am home, and getting ready for the Dance Studio tonight...who knows what those little heathens will have in store. Thankfully, I am just in and out the next two weeks since those guys who think they are important doctors keep threatening me that if I start to get sick again they will plunk me in the hospital no questions asked. What I want to know is who died and made those doctors so important they get to run my life?

Well, Dad is home, so I am going to read the doctor's report on his knee. He sees the orthopedic surgeon in the morning. Yet another doctor who thinks he will be in control of our lives.

All you kids who have put off you homework....get busy.

Love you.


1 comment:

Caleb said...

Mom, I'm pretty sure it should be "aisle" not "isle" and that it is actually spelled Chick-fil-a. I don't know what a chick a filet is.