Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Pain and Suffering!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Yesterday was a very traumatic day for me. My sewing machine DIED!! I can't believe it.....that thing is just supposed to keep sewing. I wasn't done with the maid costumes. How rude! It just croaked without any warning....frozen solid! The only thing worse is leaving my wedding rings at the jeweler!

The man at the sewing machine hospital where I took it said it probably needed servicing more than every 2 years if I was going to use it everyday. He said it wasn't an industrial machine....can you imagine....a machine that can't handle sewing over 100 costume in 6 months?

I guess there is an oil reservior somewhere in the hidden insides of the thing that needs to be replenished every so often, and he thought it was probably bone dry. They need a warning light or something....not just dead machine! A whole week to 10 days before they have it back...I had to borrow Ginny's sewing machine to work on the maid costumes. One is almost done, and the other one is half done...just the apron left to do.

Spent the evening at the hospital with Tina. They were doing spinal taps and bone marrow tests on her Megan. They are looking for lymphoma....not good! All her lymph glands are swollen, which means it is throughout her entire body. A stressful evening in the surgical waiting's hard to make someone laugh when they are waiting on those kinds of tests. However, I finally managed to get a smile just before I left. Lupus is also a possibility, but not likely.

Then as usual, I got turned around when I came out of the hospital, so I had to call Dad who is my personal guidance system. Thank goodness for onstar in the car, it makes talking to Dad lots easier while driving and shifting and trying to read the signs. Now my foot is KILLING ME! I couldn't take the van since it wouldn't fit in the parking garage. They say that sacrifice is good for the soul....hope that it's helping mine. I hope I at least got some kind of brownie points in heaven for tonight. I would hate to have all this pain and suffering for nothing. I know, I shouldn't care.

Cymbre is breaking out in hives again tonight....she came home covered with them from dance last night....we gave her Benadryl and I kept her home. May have to take her to the doctor for some of those steroids though if it keeps up. They fade until the Benedryl wears off, and then attack. It's just like when Cooper had them, but they aren't as big, and not all over her body. She will probably be home from school again this point I don't care.

Well, this isn't a very cheery post, but I haven't had a real cheery day....cancer is a scary thing to deal with even though it isn't my kid. I just got through this with Elizabeth and Ethan, and now it's Tina and Megan.

Well, I am going to take my swollen foot and sit in the jacuzzi for a bit.

Hope you all enjoy your goodie boxes, that is if you can get the ransom paid and get them back from the post office!

Have a good day, and remember an extra prayer for Megan.

Love you.


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