Monday, August 22, 2011

The Time Has Come Yet Again!

August 22, 2011

Why is it that the first day of school ALWAYS comes before I want it to?  I'm not done attempting to be lazy for summer yet....we haven't even had a full jammie day yet!  Nevertheless...those little chickadees are out the door to supposedly learn something new and exciting, and I am home doing the everyday stuff.

So, today began at 5am....Cooper gets up and is out the door for seminary at 5:50am....her little beep beep car is wondering what happened to summer sleep in time I am sure!  Cymbre is up at 6:10am and she leaves for school by 6:50am.

SO...that leaves Mom having cleaned up the kitchen, done 3 loads of laundry, restocked the sugar bucket in the home storage, cooked noodles for brain salad,  folded two loads of laundry, cleaned out the dish drainer, straightened up the family room, gathered all the mislaid stuff from yesterday, taken the paper recycling, swept the kitchen floor, made the bed, restocked the frig with water bottles for dance tonight,  and basically worked myself into exhaustion and it's only 9am!  Sounds to me like a good time for a snickerdoodle muffin break!

Dad will be home in a little while....he is still trying to get the air conditioning so that the kitchen isn't the hottest part of the house, since we have a written guarantee from the company that it won't be....I guess they are talking redoing some of the venting now.  We'll see.  Sooner or later they will get tired of getting called back....this is time number 6, and will finally figure it out.

I am going to get a haircut...have to find a new place because I do not like the way the lady that I have gone to for years treated Cooper the last time we were in the shop.  We had been there for at least a half hour when she was almost finished with my hair, and went to answer the phone.  The next thing I know, the man that had called came into the shop and she passed Cooper off to another lady and did the man.  I was not a happy camper, and we are not going back.  He did not have an appointment set up before we got there...I heard her tell him that she had two haircuts in front of him, so why did she pass Cooper off?  Her loss though, because I am not taking the girls back there either.

I also have to make a Goodwill run today, and get some gas in the car.  Then home to pick up Cymbre from school....and before that I have to get this brain salad in the frig for dinner tonight.  Cooper has early dance, so she needs to take her dinner with her, and Dad is helping someone move which means he will eat on the run tonight too.......ok, what's happened to family dinner?  It's only the first day of school and we are already messing it up!  I guess I will just have to be happy they are all eating the same thing at least, even if it is at different times.  I cooked!

We dyed Cymbre's hair that reddish color again last night....she wanted it again for school.  So we brightened her up.

My lesson went great again yesterday, however, this next week the Apostle Paul isn't rescued from jail by an angel, so I don't know what we will talk about for excitement purposes!  And the kids loved the cookies I took them as a treat before school started.  Next time they want milk too, and I asked them if I looked like a grandma to them.....guess so!

I am definitely not ready for the school year to begin again.  We spent entirely too much time out of town, and not enough time just hanging out this summer.  And now, there will be no rest for these dancers and two weary parents.

I have finished my third crocheted baby blanket, and am going to go get another skein of white yarn and do one more white one.  Then I will be two ahead of any grandbabies that may decide to show up.  It is SO NICE to not have numb hands again!

The girls both had a great time on their Utah trips, and Cooper finally got some time with her brother.  She's needed it badly this year after some things that happened.  She just needed to be there and have him be the protector in a sense.  I think she feels better about things again now, although they still linger in the back of her mind and ours. 

Cooper's camera didn't survive her trip...the screen is broken so Dad used some credit card bonus points and has ordered her a new one.  It should arrive in a few days.  She likes to carry it with her wherever she goes.

Well, I am off for a haircut, then back to make brain salad after the noodles cool, change laundry, and problably end up at the store because I always forget something.  I may even find that homeless man and get him an Arby's for lunch today.  He was at the street corner on Saturday.....hope he is still there today.

Get out there and do something for someone....even just an ice cold water bottle is a welcome thing on a hot summer day.

Grandma needs to skype all my babies again.....the house is awful quiet today.

Love you bunches.


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