Thursday, August 11, 2011

Enough Hot Already!

August 11, 2011

I am so sick of it being 102+ degress outside, and not a raindrop in sight.  Everyone's lawn is dying....soon they won't even be letting us water at all.  The power company wants people to not use power during the hottest parts of the day like dishwashers, washer and dryers, etc.  So, I am trying to remember to run the dishwasher after 7...but I'm not doing a very good job of remembering to turn the blasted thing on that late.  I should get the book out and figure out the timed start button!

Cooper is in Utah with Caleb and Shyla and the grandbabies....and where is Grandma?  Not in Utah....I really must speak to Grandpa about this problem I seem to be having....

So last night, I went into the bathroom to take my bath....and there sitting big as life in the middle of the floor was this lizard.  Now I have a lizard buddy that lives outside in the window trim of the garage....but this little guy was so bold as to come into my house and INVADE my bathroom.  My bathroom is not near a door on my house, so I must assume the little creature was in the house for longer than just a few minutes.  Normally, Dad isn't home when these situations arise, but last night I was in luck!  Amazing if you ask I just yelled for him to come get the lizard.  Then I warned the lizard he better be saying his prayers because he made a bad decision in coming into my house....then Dad promptly did him in!  One less lizard to reinvade the premises...and we won't miss him either!

Dad had the air conditioner people out again because the kitchen area of the house is always much hotter than the rest of the house, and we have a guarantee that it won't be, so he is making them live up to their own guarantee.  It's taken 5 tries, but this morning it was cooler than it's been in years.  Mostly our kitchen is like...don't turn anything on that will heat it up in here stage....and it's miserable in the summer.  During the winter, you can actually live back there and enjoy not wearing a sweater.  However, in Houston, the very hot days really outnumber the cold days.

I have finished two crocheted baby blankets, and have started a third.  It is so wonderful that I can do that again while I watch TV and not have my hands numb and making me miserable!  That hand surgeon is worth every penny that our insurance paid him!  And my grandma box is getting restocked again.  And Dad is glad that some of the yarn in the sewing room is getting used up.  So, I am ready for two more grandbabies, but we can't bless them yet!  I am working on that situation though too.  I started a white blanket last night.

Cymbre made herself a blanket this week, and I am going to start working on some skirts for Cooper...although she was supposed to cut them out BEFORE she went to Utah....and I see no cut out material anywhere.  I HATE cutting I guess I will just have a endure to the end and cut out until I have no more pins day, and then I can sew to my heart's content and collect all the pins again.  Where is Barbara Cragun when I need her...she used to come over and help me cut out things?

We celebrated my 52nd birthday this week....Guy got me a kindle thing for reading interesting prospect since I do 98% of my reading in the he trying to kill me my life insurance paid?  I will use it at competition while we wait though, and he put the scriptures on it for me, and I have one book....the new Danielle Steel one:  Happy  Birthday.  Appropriate for my birthday don't you think?

We have finished all the back to school shopping stuff....what a job!  What a drain on the checkbook!  What a pain!  And today Cymbre and I went to Costco and stocked up on all the granola bars, water bottles, small cookie packs, fruit roll-ups, etc. for school lunches.  And somehow a big box of popcorn snuck into my cart...I think it has legs!  We'll see if it moves around in the pantry after dark tonight!  (No I am not crazy yet!)

So, I have to buy a new bedspread or make a new one since the one Britni made me a million years ago is shredding.  There aren't very many blue bedspreads out there, so I may end up making a new one, or the bed may be naked until I find one!  Is there some law against naked beds? When I think of all those hours Britni and I spent making those praire points to go around that thing, I am wondering just who gave it permission to wear out in just 17 years?  I think I need an extended warranty...I'm just saying!

AND, I was wishing that I had brought some cold water bottles with us today...there were some homeless people on the street corner that were looking so terribly hot!  I could have given them one.  I have done that in the past, and they are always so grateful.

Guess that's about all the news for today....must go get busy doing something useful before Dad comes home.  At least I know what we are having for dinner tonight.  That means I don't have to ask him and then he says he wants  I DON'T KNOW.  Well, I know of no store that sells something that is called I DON'T KNOW, and I wouldn't know how to cook it even if they sold tonight we are having ham, mashed potatoes, corn, fruit and rolls.

On that note, get out there and make someone a little something for out an old lady.

Love you all bunches.


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