Monday, September 8, 2008

Grandma Stuff

September, 8, 2008

OK, Dad says that he is going to sell my toe on ebay when I die because it cost so much! Personally, I think that's a big mistake since I am planning on needing my toe again. And the real killer is that it cost so much and still won't bend!

I have been working on being a grandma lately....done some shopping and some sewing. The little girls are also working on some things for the baby. I still need to look in the cedar chest for Caleb's blessing outfit, and his coming home from the hospital outfit. He has said that he would like to have them....I know that I have all of the ones for each kid, so I just have to find it. Somewhere I have the quilts from Great Grandma for the oldest three, I don't think the little girls necessarily got them. Maybe I can actually get rid of some of this stuff I have been saving.

School is settling into a routine, and we are really enjoying eating dinner together at home as a family. Cymbre says Mom really cooks!

Things at the new dance studio seem to be smoothing out, and they are meeting for a "Plan of Attack" on the girls. Seems they have to figure out how to keep them challenged.

Dad thinks he will try to attend the temple while the girls are at dance one night a week. It's just down the street from the new studio, so he should have time. My foot would just swell up with all that sitting right now, so I will just be resting it at home. I sure do love that ice thing!

Looks like we are in the path for hurricane Ike this week. That should make the new toe hurt!

They are beginning to dig up Spring Cypress in front of our entrance, so everything is always backed up out least the part up by the shopping is mostly done now, and it's 4 lanes with stop lights. Moves traffic much better now.

I have to call California and find out the details about this tap intensive Dad wants to send the girls to in North Carolina. We need to have the finalized dates, then we can make plane reservations, and check with TP on if we can stay with her. I think it would be fun to see her again.

Well, must hobble in and change the funny stuff today I guess. Then I have to get Cooper from school.

Everyone have a great week. Love you.


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