Monday, May 21, 2012

We Have A Haunted Mailbox!!

May 21, 2012

For weeks now it seems like our mailbox is NEVER shut.  I shut it, the mail lady shuts it, Guy shuts it, the girls shut it.....but the silly thing is always flapping it's little mouth open.

Some days it's not a problem when it decides to yawn, but somedays it has a full mouth of mail, and the said mail is exposed to the weather elements or the sprinklers, or the kids outside playing, or just the overpacked things will fall out syndrome!  And it looks like a kid who is showing you that they are chewing up their food!

Today I put some letters out to be mailed, and SHUT the flap.  Got in my van to leave to take Cymbre to the doctor, backed out of the driveway, and the thing was flapping wide open!  Now I know I shut the thing.  I even double checked that the little flap was secure behind the other flap!  It wasn't over-packed with outgoing mail....just a few birthday cards, and a graduation card for my neice.

So, I shut the flap again, and went to the doctor.....came home, and you know the drill....IT WAS OPEN AGAIN!!  So I shut it again, drive around the cul-de-sac to pull into the driveway.....and that cussed thing is open AGAIN!!!

I've decided that it's haunted, hates us, doesn't want to be a well-behaved mailbox, or maybe it's just living to be rude!!  I mean, who likes to own a mailbox that is constantly sticking it's tongue out!!

We've taken good care of this know, fed it regularly, given it baths with the sprinklers, we empty out the junk mail, never leave mail in it while we go on vacation, and by some miracle it hasn't been run over by any teenage drivers!

So just exactly, what could be it's problem?  It appears to the casual observer to be a healthy, well-adjusted know friends with it's companion mailbox, lives in a good neighborhood, gets lots of yummy mail each day, and some days even gets packages.  We usually wash the bird messes off on a regular basis, and it's paint isn't terribly scratched!  I mean, what mailbox has a better deal??

And why would a perfectly good mailbox that's been a faithful family friend, sudden turn on the said family?  It has to be possessed!  That's the only possible explanation.  I mean, all the working parts of the thing are in perfect working order...the red flag moves smoothly up and down, the latch isn't broken, all it's screws are's not been abused.  The only logical explanation is that it's HAUNTED!!  There must be some little mal-adjusted troll who lives in it....although never seen in daylight, who just can't stand having the door shut!  Maybe he just likes some fresh air, but he better watch out....those Houston jumping spiders might decide to make a web over his front door!  Then he will just have to arrange his furniture around all the mail that will build up because Mom won't be emptying the mail each sir eeee....had one of those little suckers jump down my blouse once, and I don't want that experience again!!!   Just saying!  That mail will just have to stay inside that mailbox until Dad can tame the spider and retrieve the mail from inside....and if the troll is really lucky, Dad won't be out of town when he has this experience....just saying!

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