Monday, June 9, 2008

Where's A Bobby Pin When You Need It?

June 9, 2008

OK, I feel gyped today! Twice today I stopped at Sonic for a Diet Cherry Limeade, a must on these hot and steamy days here in Houston, and TWICE I didn't get the cherry in my drink! What is the deal? That's the best part of the drink, but you have to drink the whole thing in order to find out that they didn't give you a cherry. I got the limes, but no cherry. What a crock!

Tonight my foot is almost twice the size it's supposed to be, and I've been a pretty good girl to stay off it most of the day. I am so looking forward to July 2nd!

The little girls and I managed to get all the recital costumes packed today....they played run for parts and I packed them in the garment bags...17 garment bags, 6 hat boxes, and a table top tutu bag! At least we are ready for recital on Saturday. I don't know how we will change 17 costumes in the time we have, but somehow we always manage. The table top tutu, and the one that is 2 sizes to small for Cymbre (where she is the understudy) are going to be the challenging ones. The duets are just a lot of pieces and Cooper's hair feathers will drive a Saint crazy! I must pack the extra bobby pins.

And speaking of bobby pins, why do they always disappear after a bit of work! It seems to me that the bobby pins around this house are totally taking advantage of the situation. I mean really, they hold a bit of hair in place for a few hours, and then they just think they can go and disappear, never to be seen again in the drawer where they belong. I find them vacationing in the couch cushions, under Dad's desk near the crayon box (I think there may be something crazy going on there, but I am trying to subdue my curiosity, at least until my foot feels better), in the pencil drawer, and even on top of the DVD player. They have been known to find their way into the straight pin box in the sewing room, and on the floor in Dad's closet, behind the hamper in the bathrooms, and in dance shoes. My personal opinion, those dance shoes that smell would be the last place I would go on vacation. I even found one in Dad's tiger's hair the other day...took it out quick before Dad came home.

In my opinion, bobby pins don't have a very stressful job, so why do they always have to go on vacation. Can't they somehow contain themselves to the nice little bobby pins drawer in the bathrooms? It's a nice big drawer with plenty of room for them to invite their friends, the hair clippies over for some fun. That could be a really snappin' party! Heck, they could even invite the hairnets over, and everyone could have a great time getting all tangled up!

I may just have to ground all the vacationing trouble makers after I gather the energy to find them all....a nice few months in the bottom of the competition rolling drawers should do the more hair styles to hold, no more showers of hair more hair gel sprayed on their little backsides, and certainly no more public appearances! That will fix them, don't you think!

Maybe next season, I could have the best behaved bobby pins at the studio. Just think of it, the thrill of it be able to find one of those little guys when I need one instead of having to search the entire house. Maybe they will just jump inside the baggies, and find themselves neatly back in the drawers, instead of on some high adventure causing trouble, and possibly getting sucked up in the vacumn.

Dad is out of town in Lima, Peru. He left on Sunday and will be back early in the morning. He just flew down for a meeting, and then right back.

Ginny is folding and stapling the recital program, and I am just letting her....that's a first in several years, but I just can't handle anything else this week.

We have to pull together father's day so Cymbre can do it after Cooper and I leave for NYC on Sunday. That's makes Cymbre feel special.

Have you ever noticed that when your foot hurts, you don't get anything done? You can't do anything because you can't wear shoes to do anything....and you can only do so many things barefoot.

The upstairs is still a BIG MESS as we took the whole place apart a week ago and started moving kids into different rooms, and painting, and organizing, and getting rid of things, and storing things, and totally messing up my scrapbooking room and using all the furniture from it in the girls bedrooms. Now I have no clue what I am doing in the scrapbooking room except leaving it until probably after Nationals in July. We are going to work on the dance room tomorrow, and start packing for Joffrey. I think I finally have everything bought. Have to make the shuttle bus reservations from the airport and back to the airport, but that will only take a minute. Dad is getting the laptop up and running so I can organize the dance company stuff while I am gone. He is simply a DREAM for doing it for me!

We certainly have been upsetting the animals around here the last few days.....there has been a terrible trumpeting noise from the laundry room as Dad tumbled the pachyderms in the dryer to get the dust off before boxing them all up for storage, and the Panda's are certainly not happy about their new digs in boxes either. However, the storage unit is a climate control deal, so actually they will be cooler there than here at the house. Maybe I should go live at the storage unit. A cool 72 degrees sounds really good to me when my kitchen even with the air conditioner set at 76 is still 82! And the humidity is 80%!

We bought new puffy pillows at Bed Bath and Beyond, and now I can't sleep! They are too puffy, and I have been laying on it trying to smash it down, but is still isn't working.....maybe I should go back to the cheap ones at Wal Mart. Dad wanted to try the more expensive ones at the other store. Maybe part of the problem is that Dad keeps leaving town, so I don't sleep then anyway.

Well, enough of this tonight. I am going to put my foot in the jacuzzi, then sleep on Dad's pillow, well maybe sleep on Dad's pillow. You would think after almost 30 years, I would have learned to sleep when he is gone! No Deal!

Each of you say a little prayer that Heavenly Father will use you to help someone this week. It really proves to be an interesting experience.

Remember that Dad and I love you all very much....and wish we were closer to spend some time with you.


1 comment:

Shyla said...

Heck, you should just sell the house and rent a few storage units. Then you'd be nice and cool and not have to pay for the air conditioning!