Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I have FINALLY FINISHED 24 Super Cali Costumes. Good thing since they dance on Friday! Never again will I attempt to make 24 costumes in two weeks. I finished them at 1:15 am!!!

It's cold and rainy here today, so I just cleaned up the sewing mess, and then went birthday shopping for Cooper. I ended up at JoAnn Fabrics buying some stuff to make Katherine a new top for her Super Cali costume since the one from the seamstress is to small...I just can't win. It's been nice not sitting at that sewing machine all day long.

I will be back in the office at the studio next week. That is, if I survive the weekend performance in Galveston! I must admit it will be fun to see all the costumes I've made for Mary Poppins out on the floor. Now if I can just get some good pictures for my book.

Shyla tagged me....whatever that here's the thing about husbands:

1. What is his name: Guy, Dad, Gravity Guy

2. How long have you been married? It will be 30 years in December.

3. How long did you date? 5 dates

4. How old is he? 52

5. Who said I love you first? Dad did while we went on a walk around my neighborhood the night before I left to go back to BYU.

6. Who is taller? Dad, but if I wear heels some days I am taller than he is.

7. Who can sing better? Me by far

8. Who is smarter? Depends on the topic. Dad for scientific things, but mom for practical things.

9. Who does the laundry? Mom usually starts it during the week, but Dad finishes it after I go to work. Dad usually starts it on Saturday. Whoever is here and hears it beep changes it. I really should bribe the little girls to do it.

10. Who pays the bills? Dad. It's his job to put the money in and my job to take it out.

11. Who sleeps on the right? If you are standing at the foot of the bed, I sleep on the right. But only if Dad is in the bed. If he isn't there, then I sleep in the middle. When he snores, I sleep on the couch.

12. Who mows the lawn? Definitely Dad!

13. Who cooks dinner? Depends on the night. Dad mostly during the week, or the girls fix their own in the microwave, while I am at work. But on the weekends, I make dinner. I'm really good at roast and baked potatoes on Sundays.

14. Who drives? Dad mostly, but when I go somewhere alone, obviously I drive.

15. Who is more stubborn: Dad when he sets his mind to if I am having a bad day.

16. Who kissed who first? Dad kissed me first while on our walk around the neighborhood. We stopped by the stop sign at the top of my street. He still kisses me first each morning.

17. Who asked who out first? Dad, and I didn't want to go with him. I was mad at him because he stared at me the entire evening at a young adult barbeque when I took a non-member friend. He still calls me for dates.

18. Who proposed? Dad, we were lost on the way to visit my grandma, and he says he just did it because he didn't think he would have to go through with it. Guess I proved him wrong!

19. Who has more siblings? I do, 3 sisters and 2 brothers. Dad has 1 sister and 2 brothers.

20. Who wears the pants? I let Dad think he does most days. He does a pretty good job most days too!

I don't know who to tag because I don't know who reads my I guess you'll just have to love me anyway?

Well, must get busy working on Katherine's thing.....have a great day.

Love you.


1 comment:

Shyla said...

It's okay if you don't tag people. I had a hard time too.