Friday, August 29, 2008

Bionic Mom

Finally, here's the pictures of my bionic toe joint....are you impressed? You should be! Even has fake cartilage in it because I didn't have any of my own when they got in there. For being a bionic toe, the thing sure does hurt! It's still very bruised and swollen, and even though they want me to try to wear a running shoe, there is just no way yet. The best thing is the aircast they gave me that you fill up with ice water and then just elevate the foot and wait for the water to get warm. It's a wonderful thing, since the swelling goes down and I can actually begin to bend my toe. They want me to learn to pick up a magic marker (HA HA!). There is no way at this point. I did go to the physical therapy for two weeks like I was supposed to do, but that was just electrical shock (very low voltage) to help to get rid of the bruising. It did work for that, but the incision is still very sore and bruised. The doctor says I had 90% range of motion on the operating table, but I don't believe her.....I really don't know, I was asleep!
I do wonder how come if I now have a fake joint, why the thing which has no nerve endings hurts so much....some day I may understand.
In other news, and this is a big announcement......I no longer work at the dance studio, and the girls no longer dance there. I resigned a couple of weeks ago, and Ginny just got so vindictive that she started picking on the girls, and we finally left this past week. We found a new studio that will do the office campus PE stuff for Cooper, allow them to student teach, and they don't compete or dance on Sundays. The other thing is that they don't show a bunch of skin on their costuming, and it doesn't cost near as much. The off campus stuff is a mess for this semester, so Cooper is doing a student assistant for her last year's english teacher, and I will still go pick her up. They will have the off campus paperwork sorted out for next semester, so then she will leave the hour earlier. They include private lessons in the tuition costs, and the teachers seem to be willing to work with the girls. They are the top dancers there, and Ms. Amy wants to keep them. Guess we will see.....Ms. Andee is coming here to the house to finish up tap solos for the girls for this year, and we will compete them independently, and the duet they've already done. Then at the new studio, they will also do another duet together, and new solos. It's been quite a mess, but we think we are getting everything sorted out, and are very grateful that the new studio will work with us. Dad is also looking into taking both the girls to outside conventions, and sending them to Mark Goodman's tap intensive in North Carolina. (That will be a good excuse to spend some time with TP.)
I am spending the days since school started resting my foot, and sorting out this dance mess....however, I am going to finish organizing the scrapbook room as soon as my foot wants to learn how to walk up stairs again, and am working on cleaning up the sewing room.
I must admit that I really don't miss all the time I spent up at the studio, and doing stuff at home for the studio.
The girls got their new glasses tonight, and then we went to Sweet Tomatoes for dinner. It was a welcome break.
We are preparing for yet another hurricane in the gulf this next week....I'll take the girls and go to the grocery store and get milk, bread, fruit and any medicine we need tomorrow, and then top up the gas in the van on Monday.
We had to get a new air conditioner motor on the van today, the other one froze up....can't imagine why it did that since it ran on high every time the van started.....I think it just get tired!
I will be soon starting the duet and solo costumes, but don't know what we will do for the new duet and solos. I will have to talk to Ms. Amy.
Dad is out mowing the's in the 90's outside and humid! He will be sweaty when he comes in.
Must go hobble in and change the laundry, and do the ice on my goes numb when it swells to much....that makes it tinglely and then that makes it miserable.
Everyone remember to do something nice for someone else today. It will make your Heavenly Father proud!
Love you.

Bionic Mom

August 29, 2008

It's been quite some time since I wrote, but I have various reasons for my procrastination! Traveling, more traveling, working, and surgery....